What are the perks of being a sunflower?

The Perks of Being a Sunflower is a community based on shared musical experiences that bring out the vulnerability, passion, and magic of each of its members. It’s a place to share those moments of feeling alive when you hear the opening chords of your favorite song live surrounded by thousands of strangers. It’s a place to share that feeling of singing along at the top of your lungs in harmony, led by one of your favorite artists, knowing you are exactly where you need to be. It’s a place to share the reactions and aftermath you experience after being immersed in the wonder of music.

Welcome - now let’s rock and roll.


the story of the sunflower

My friend and I were meeting up at a concert that we had pit tickets to. We knew we were going to be getting there at different times and were a little concerned about being able to find each other in General Admission. My friend had the brilliant idea of getting one of those big fake sunflowers you can find at Michael’s or Hobby Lobby for each of us. Genius. I made it into the venue first and my friend texted me as she was walking in – I held up my sunflower and she quickly maneuvered through the crowd to find me. The sunflowers became a hit and soon were guiding everyone around us back to their spots before the show started. They stirred up conversations and built some camaraderie around a pit full of strangers that would normally not talk to one another.

The sunflowers triggered some thoughts in my mind that night. Concerts are often missed opportunities to share an experience with strangers. These shared experiences have the potential of turning into just a great memory you can all take with you, or, if you’re lucky, they can turn into lifelong friendships.

I want to build a community with the idea of leaving all barriers behind – and letting the music that we all came to see connect us in the only way it has the magic of doing. So, next time you’re at a concert, say hi to the person next to you. Ask them how they discovered the artist you’re seeing. Tell each other your names. Share a smile. Who knows – perhaps a beautiful friendship will grow from just planting a few basic seeds.

Musings of a Sunflower

Catch up on latest blog posts below!

growing a community

did you know

that a sunflower is made up of thousands of individual flowers?

As many as 2,000 flowers can make up one classis sunflower bloom. These tiny flowers come together to make one big, beautiful flower.

Concerts are an opportunity to join together in harmony to make one big, beautiful crowd. The concerts I leave feeling the most fulfilled are the ones I’ve built connections at - the ones where I have found out what the person next to me does for work or how far the person behind me traveled to get to the show. These connections which may seem trivial on the surface often blossom into something beautiful. When we allow ourselves to open up and let people in, we give each other the opportunity to bloom into something bigger than ourselves.


“The only truth is music.”

― Jack Kerouac


Let's Chat

Interested in knowing more about The Perks of Being a Sunflower?

Have a great story of a concert you’ve been to?

Looking to connect with other people with similar music interests as you?

Shoot me an email and let’s get to know one another!

Email: annie@theperksofbeingasunflower.com
